The last couple weeks has been very interesting and time consuming. The addition of a new renovation contract has allowed us to sign on a few new employees, which we are very grateful to have and join our team. Renovation projects are normally very fun and exciting for the customer but for the movers and building managers it is a complete change in every day activity. The amount of hours and hard work thus put into everyday to make this a smooth transition for all parties takes a lot out of you. We are coming up on our fourth week of the project and we are happy to say that each week has gotten better.Also with the one new addition we are shooting for another contract within the DC area. We love our chances with being able to accept another contract and raising the bar for our company and the quality of work that we do. We are always trying to be a little better each day. We are grateful to all of our employees and with out them none of this would be possible.Please continue to spread the word of MB Trucking and Moving!!!!!